Islâm is a comprehensive religion guiding Muslims through sets of rules governing every facet of life. Since food is an important part of daily life, food laws carry a special significance. Islâmic philosophy propounds that the food which man consumes affects not only his physical constitution but also his moral character and spiritual upliftment.
Halâl is an Arabic word which means lawful or permissible. In the specific context of consumables it refers to food that is lawful for consumption. The antonym of Halâl (lawful) is Harâm (unlawful) which refers to unlawful items. Muslims are permitted to eat the flesh of certain animals, which are required to be slaughtered according to the specified ritual procedures. Pork is totally not permitted. Similarly, any animal not ritually slaughtered will also be categorised as Harâm (unlawful). Halâl also encompasses all aspects of food hygiene and quality.
Halâl is an Arabic word which means lawful or permissible. In the specific context of consumables it refers to food that is lawful for consumption. The antonym of Halâl (lawful) is Harâm (unlawful) which refers to unlawful items. Muslims are permitted to eat the flesh of certain animals, which are required to be slaughtered according to the specified ritual procedures. Pork is totally not permitted. Similarly, any animal not ritually slaughtered will also be categorised as Harâm (unlawful). Halâl also encompasses all aspects of food hygiene and quality.